Crisis 2014 Wargaming Convention



10:00 – 17:00


HANGAR 29 Waagnatie
Rijn­kaai 150, Ant­wer­pen,, 2000,


(Quel­le: TSA)

The Tin Sol­diers of Ant­werp is a War­gam­ing Club based at the Robin Hood club­house in Eke­ren, Bel­gi­um. We are a group of war­gam­ing enthu­si­asts play­ing a varie­ty of Table­top Minia­tu­re War­games, RPG’s and Board­ga­mes. Some of them are play­ed in a fan­ta­sy world wher­eby each mem­ber incor­po­ra­tes his or her favou­ri­te fan­ta­sy into an enjoya­ble game, many of us like to embark on an his­to­ri­cal adven­ture by re-enac­ting famous batt­les throug­hout the histo­ry of mankind.

Are you a war­ga­mer yours­elf and would you like to meet other pas­sio­na­te war­ga­mers? Or are you new to the who­le war­gam­ing sce­ne? No pro­blem at all. Here at the Tin Sol­diers of Ant­werp we wel­co­me ever­y­bo­dy with open arms. Come along then and dis­co­ver our Club every Fri­day night bet­ween 7PM and 1AM and feel free to join the big­gest war­gam­ing club in Europe.

If you would like to keep infor­med about our acti­vi­ties, our annu­al CRISIS WARGAMING CONVENTION, etc. plea­se sub­scri­be yours­elf to our news­let­ter fol­lo­wing the sub­scrip­ti­on link on the right-hand side of the screen or log on to Face­book and like our page.

See you soon at the Tin Sol­diers of Antwerp!

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