International Tabletop Day 2018

International Tabletop Day 2018




Warm up tho­se dice and dust off your mee­ples, Inter­na­tio­nal Table­top Day 2018 is set for April 7th. So clear your calen­dars now for one of the most exci­ting days in table­top gaming.

We are alre­a­dy eager­ly working on making this Table­top Day the best one yet with ama­zing games to play, spe­cial guests joi­ning us on our live stream, and more than a few sur­pri­ses along the way that we can’t wait to tell you about. In fact, this is only your first tas­te of what’s to come. In the fol­lo­wing weeks, we will start to reve­al more of the ama­zing con­tent, a cou­ple of devious plans we have in store, and some of the things you can be exci­ted to expe­ri­ence on the big day. And start­ing the month befo­re the big day, we will be –

Oh, what? I can’t talk about that yet? I guess we can’t spoil all the fun in just one post.

This year, we’re focu­sing on how board games have chan­ged your life. Did you meet your best fri­end while con­quering stran­ge lands, find your voice while com­ple­ting quests, or have you rea­li­zed your dreams as a game deve­lo­per while clin­ching the win­ning point? May­be this is the day that the right card or the roll of the dice chan­ge everything.

Get rea­dy for Inter­na­tio­nal Table­top Day hap­pe­ning on April 7th. This is year that you get to PLAY MORE GAMES!

What are you brin­ging to the table this year or what did you love play­ing last year? Let us know in the com­ment sec­tion below.

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