Gen Con 2020

Gen Con 2020


30/​07/​2020 – 02/​08/​2020 


India­na Con­ven­ti­on Center
100 South Capi­tol Ave­nue, India­na­po­lis, India­na, 46225 


Gen Con is the ori­gi­nal, lon­gest-run­ning gam­ing con­ven­ti­on in the world!

Foun­ded in 1968, Gen Con hosts the lar­gest con­su­mer hob­by, fan­ta­sy, sci­ence fic­tion, and adven­ture game con­ven­ti­on in North Ame­ri­ca. With 500 exhi­bi­ting game com­pa­nies, award-win­ning aut­hors and artists, vibrant cos­tu­mes, thou­sands of events, fami­ly enter­tain­ment, food trucks, a beer gar­den, and the debut of hundreds of exci­ting new games, Gen Con tru­ly is The Best Four Days in Gam­ing™.

Get your badge now for the “can’t miss” gam­ing event of the year!

As repor­ted in the Indy­Star, 4‑Day bad­ges for Gen Con 2020 are rapidly approa­ching sell out quan­ti­ties. Inte­res­ted in atten­ding all four days? Don’t wait to buy your badge!


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